Vocational Rehabilitation & Return to Work Services
Our Vocational Rehabilitation Specialists and Employment Specialists have over 50 years combined experience helping people return to work after illness, injury, or surgery.
If you don't know what you can do, a Vocational Evaluation provides you with measurable, evidence-based information about your current aptitudes, interests, values, and personality traits. From this, a list of suitable occupations is prepared, then you choose! Vocational Evaluation goal: to identify suitable occupations.
If you have different physical abilities now, a Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) is conducted to determine your current physical abilities, tolerances and limitations. This helps you decide if the occupation you want is one you can do. FCE goal: measure your physical abilities and limitations.
If you're not sure how to go about looking for work after your injury / illness, our Employment Specialists, with their strong connections to employers throughout Kamloops and in many smaller communities close by, can match your strengths and needs to a suitable employer. They make these the employer contacts, help you create cover letters and resumes, and prepare you for interviews. Our Employment Specialists have a 90% success rate in Kamloops, so you are in good hands. If volunteer work is your goal, they can help with this too. Job Search goal: to match you to the right employer.
If you find learning new tasks difficult, a Job Coach can support you. The Job Coach meets you on your work site to help you become comfortable in your new workplace. They will discuss with you and the employer any accommodations you might need in order to learn new skills. Job Coach goal: ensure your success on the job.
Your life has now changed. Are you ready to get back to work, but you don't know where to start?

Community and Employer Connections
Our Employment Specialists (ES) are well-connected, working with employers and industry representatives in and around Kamloops everyday. ESs are responsible for developing and maintaining long-term relationships with employers and business owners in order to place you quickly and appropriately in a suitable employment setting, when you are ready. They work with your employer to make sure than any accommodations or modifications you might need are in place, and they can provide on-site supports to help you learn your new job.
Employment Specialists attend monthly Chamber of Commerce events, and participate in direct business-to-business marketing, networking, and advocating for employment opportunities for people whose lives have changed.
Employer Solutions
Being an employer is tough; we know. Employer Solutions is a cost effective way to ensure comprehensive but customized Occupational Health and Safety services 1) ensure your workers are as safe as they can be, both physically and emotionally, and 2) ensure your company meets all WorkSafeBC requirements.
Preventing accidents and over-use injuries is easier than rehabilitation from them. We'll help you develop your workplace health and safety program, prepare policies and procedures to try to prevent workplace injuries, and conduct investigations in compliance with WorkSafeBC legislation.
Some of our Prevention services are:
Ergonomic Assessments
Job Demands Analysis
Safety Training (on - site); ensure your staff know basic safety techniques and practices
OH & S Scheduled Consultation, as per WSBC requirements
Customized Exercise Programming to ensure staff conditioning as needed by the work
Return to Work
Sometimes injuries do happen. Helping employees stay at work or return to work following injury is a "win-win" situation. Disability management research tells us that earlier return to work leads to earlier and more comprehensive recovery for the employee and, for the employer, savings in reduction of lost time, disability management and claims costs, and less need to train someone new. When you have an employee who has been injured, our Occupational Therapists, Kinesiologists, Clinical Counsellors, and Vocational Rehabilitation Specialists can help by providing:
Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
Customized Exercise Programming (to re-condition staff following injury)
Clinical Counselling (to assist in emotional readiness and skills for return to work)
Work Conditioning (supervised to ensure staff safety)
Graduated Return to Work Planning & Monitoring